Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Finally, I've submitted my article to Code Project. I will work my way back and fill in the details with the correct timestamps. I had to go quick, so I will unpack the information I've gained from this at a more leisurely pace.
After testing the deployment on the Linux server, I realized that I had to add references to the JDBC drivers, or they will not be deployed to the app server (in this case, Tomcat version 5.0.28)
packaging up the WAR file for Tomcat deployment... i tried different packagings - one with with full MainWin Framework, one without. I'm not sure if the server.xml files for Tomcat needs to be configured after all... We'll see when I deploy on my local Tomcat app.
I had some problems with setting the Image control's URL for the dynamic chart...

All fixed up now, I just had to modify the string concatenation a bit to compile properly..
...Adding the Context entry for the remote SQL Server connection configuration to Tomcat server.xml config file...


I had to do a full re-generate of the J2EE Project due to the unspecified error. I found that my IIS virtual directory was set to ASP.NET 2.0, and changed it to 1.1. I also was not able to debug until I set the Project Debug properties to 'Always use Internet Explorer'.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

OK, how do i maintain session state, then? The answer:
building generated J2Ee project... so far, so goo... never mind, the J2EE compiler had problems with some of the keys in the web.config, of all places. Checking documentation...

See, it's not so easy as all that.


generating J2EE Project, and debugging

debuggin' is important...

problems with validation support - i will have to rewrite the validation to disable the Save buttons (this is when you save the categories for a TimeTracker Project)

I tried to build the J2EE project at work during lunch, but ran into problems with the login. I hope I don't encounter this again. My computer's configuration for that build seemed a bit screwy. I had an .NET Framework version conflict, etc.